• Acne

    Acne is a skin condition that results in hair follicles becoming blocked due to excess oil and dead skin cells resulting in spots that may be inflamed and painful to touch

  • Brow lift

    Brow lift treatments here gently aim to lift the brow, smooths out wrinkles and opens the eyes for a more youthful appearance.

  • Bunny lines

    These are horizontal lines over the nose that can sometimes become more apparent with age.

  • Clenching teeth/ teeth grinding

    Clenching teeth/ teeth grinding

    A common complaint with many suffering during times of stress, a comprehensive facial and dental assessment will allow your specialist to diagnose the condition and help manage your symptoms.

  • Chin Dimpling

    Chin dimpling sometimes also called a cobblestone effect, this occurs as a result of the ageing process due to loss of fat and bone around the chin resulting in an overactive mentalis muscle which can affect the harmony of your face.

  • Crows feet.

    Crows feet these are lines that develop either side of the eye when we smile due to activity of the eye muscles, with age and sun damage the delicate skin around the eye can thin resulting in the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

  • Dark circles and sunken eyes

    Dark circles and sunken eyes (these can be genetic or also occur as part of the aging process, if you are bothered by the appearance of your eyes book a consultation for further assessment and advice.

  • Dehydrated skin

    Dehydrated skin dry, dehydrated, sensitised skin are common complaints and we have many solutions to help return your skin and the barrier function to a healthy state.

  • Downturn mouth

    A common complaint with ageing and muscle overuse, book a consultation to learn how we can address this concern.

  • Dull skin

    A common complaint and one that is easily rectified with the appropriate skin recommendations and treatments.

  • Excessive sweating

    Hyperhidrosis, commonly known as excessive sweating, is a condition whereby the body produces and secretes an abnormal amount of sweat. The body controls heat via way of sweating, however in people with Hyperhidrosis, the brain overstimulates the glands that are responsible for sweating-